Design Capability

One-off project design

Ex-tech Solution’s technical design team can help you from initial concept through to final solution.

For example, if you need to create a solution for 240V ac input to 24V dc output with 24V UPS backup for use in a hazardous area and don’t know what constraints the Explosion Protection regulations will impose, we are here to help.

Our electrical design engineers can design the solution with you and then provide the complete assembly ready for your final installation on site.

Each enclosure solution will be provided with a final certification document pack.

R&D product design support

If you are looking to expand the markets for existing products into hazardous environments or have an idea for a new product for hazardous environments but don’t know how to achieve it, we are here to help.

Our electrical and mechanical engineers can work alongside your engineers to develop the product to achieve Explosion Protection certification.

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